iPhone Water Damage Repair

 So if your iPhone falls into a sink full of sewage, a bath, or a tub, do you trust it to survive? Many iPhone owners have had to work out the hard way to answer this question—and thankfully, the answer is not necessarily a bleak one. While there's no guarantee that your iPhone can withstand a shower, there is a possibility that your handset will make a full recovery. Even if your iPhone survives water damage, it doesn't mean it operates without any problems. Any common issues with iPhones that are caused by water damage include non-functioning headphones and speakers, non-opening apps, constant freezing, or constant reboot. Mobile Campus offers water damage repair, you can visit us to get the iPhone Water Damage Repair.

What are the signs of water damage on an iPhone?

You can examine yourself whether your iPhone has water damage? At first, remove the SIM tray and view for a red signal inside the SIM card slot. A red signal indicates that the Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated and your iPhone got water damage. If you see a white or silver signal rather than red, it tells that your mobile is safe from water damage. Other water damage symbols are; Corrosion, discoloration, or blurry development of the charging unit, headphone, SIM or memory port, moisture beneath the display screen.

Can an iPhone survive water damage?

The longer your iPhone is drowned in water, the more humid it will get, and the more likely it will experience permanent damage. If you put your phone in water, remove it as soon as possible. The less water your iPhone can penetrate to enter the internal elements, the higher the chances of survival. Nevertheless, if immediate action is taken to dry it out, a wet iPhone can still work.

  • Instantly, turn off the iPhone and remove the visible moisture by using a soft cloth.

  • Remove the SIM card and use compressed air to dry it as it is safe for electronics.

  • Silica, a desiccant, retains moisture and keeps the moisture down. Silica gel packages may dry a wet iPhone.


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